NOTE:You must unhide the system files first.
This How To helps a lot to those pupil who don't want any virus in there computer. This how to deals with protecting your system from virus that enters your computer from Pen drives and other removable drives
You should do following thing to protect your system from VIRUSES-
3. If u recieve an email attachment from one of your freind, first confirm from it and before opening read the complete file name of the attachment. Viruses most probably have the extension like these
4. When you want to use a pen drive or any usb drive, CD/DVD Drive then as soon as you connect the drive presss SHIFT key it disables AUTORUN. Now scan it from ur antivirus program . If u r not satisfied then do the following
open cmd
type the drive letter of ur usb drive say H: and press enter
If there exist AUTORUN file then type AUTORUN.INF and press enter
the autorun file is now opened in notepad
Sample Autorun File[autorun]
open=foo.exe bar
action=Foo Bar
label=My backup data
Observe which program is executing automatically as in the above example
Foo.exe, setup.exe, option1.exe, option2.exe are executing automatically
so to delete them go to cmd prompt
type the drive letter say h:
and then type
attrib autorun.inf -s -a -h -r
attrib foo.exe -s -a -h -r
attrib setup.exe -s -a -h -r
attrib option1.exe -s -a -h -r
attrib option2.exe -s -a -h -r
Now u r safe to open your drive.
Here is another way to customize the autorun option
Variable | Number | Hexadecimal |
No autorun at all | 181 | 0xb5 |
Autorun only CDROMs | 149 | 0x95 |
Autorun only flash drives | 177 | 0xb1 |
Autorun both CDROMs and flashdrives (the default) | 145 | 0x91 |
5. If you have created setting in your email to view the emails without opening it that is on clicking one of the email its preview is enabled then also
disable it, because it also harms ur computer.
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